This years sunflower mini sessions were a dream! We lucked out with the most beautiful night and the field was blooming and gorgeous. These sessions took place at Ramseyer Farms.

Each session was 15 minutes and the families came well prepared and right on time. Making sure these mini sessions run smoothly takes a lot of preparation. Communication with the families is so important in letting them know where exactly I'll be, how they get to the field, reminding them of their exact time, giving them wardrobe ideas, etc.
I love making sure each family feels loved and captured in a way that exemplifies them individually! Something I've found that has made this go smoother over the years is the fact that each of my families continue schedule year after year. This allows us all to get to know each other, feel comfortable around each other, and the littles and I can pick up right where we left off!
I always love gifting one session to a family every mini session, which I was able to continue to do for these as well.
Enjoy each of these sweet memories!
