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  • Jenny

A New Beginning

As last year ends and the new year begins, I reflect on what 2016 had to hold. I think about everything that took place, as well as my attitude. This year has opened my eyes and challenged me to grow in many different areas. I've been challenged to grow as a wife, daughter, teacher, friend, sister, in-law, and most of all, a child of God.

I get so much joy out of feeling Christ's love for me at the most beautiful times. Throughout 2016 there were ups and downs. There were times where I would try to hear God, but felt like he was whispering from miles away. There were times where I felt uncertain of the direction I was supposed to go, and there were times where I knew I was just supposed to be still. As frustrating as these times may have been, they made the moments that I could hear Christ speak to me that much more beautiful.

One of the biggest gifts Christ gave me this year were understanding more of who he his. I finally understand the meaning of John 14:6. "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

I had heard this scripture since I was a child, but never fully understood the true meaning. I could recite this scripture from memory and even say it backwards if we were getting real fancy. After studying the tabernacle throughout the summer with one of my best friends, I was able to understand that without believing Jesus died for MY sins, and that my sins are forgiven, there is no way to eternal life. The guilt and the shame that come from being a sinful person has been overcome by Christ and his death on the cross. Without accepting this gift, there would be no way to everlasting life with God. I finally was able to accept that even though I am and always will be a sinner, Christ loves me so much that he wanted to be the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of anything I have ever done or will do. I do not need to carry the guilt and shame of my past, my present, or my future. I now understand the magnitude of his death and what it means for me. I pray that if you are at a point in your life where you are feeling guilt, shame, lost, or don't feel that you are enough, that you will accept the free gift Jesus gave you of dying on the cross so that all your sins can be swept away and washed clean.

Not only has a new year began, we have the chance to accept our new beginning in Christ, Jesus. We can ask him into our lives and believe that what he did on the cross was a gift unlike anything we will ever receive. We can begin this year with a fresh start. Since Christ died on the cross for our sins, we need to ask for forgiveness and believe that our sins are truly forgiven. "But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt" - James 1:6. All Christ wants from us is to accept him into our lives and believe in who he is.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

How wonderful to know that Jesus will meet us right where we are. Whether we are in the wilderness or not, he is making a way for us. Without him we are nothing. If you are one who likes to make a resolution, consider your resolution involving your relationship with the Lord, for that is our ultimate relationship. Maybe your resolution could be read his word more often or to pray continually. Maybe your resolution has something to do with a previous topic we have discussed. It may even be to search further into who Christ really is. Challenge yourself to make your resolution based on His truth.

I'm so excited you are joining me in this new years journey! Happy New Year!


What do you believe? Where do you put your faith?

Do you believe that your sins have been forgiven? James 1:6

What is your new years resolution?

Share your resolution on our I Believe page.

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