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  • Jenny

Peace comes when expectations end

Throughout my life I have found myself having expectations. These expectations could look anything like how I feel people should act, the home I feel I should be living in, the way my iced latte should taste, people's expectations for me, or the timeline I think my life should be on.

God and I have had so many conversations about being content. I really think that IF God told me to get a tattoo, that is what it would say, BE CONTENT. Now let’s be honest, I’m learning each and every day what this looks like, and no I'm not about to run out and get a tattoo.

Lately, I’ve been challenging myself not to have expectations. Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean to settle. That's a completely different topic. But I’ve found my expectations to let me down more often than not. Who am I to plan out what is going to happen? In the grand scheme of things, I have absolutely no control.

I’m going to be honest, the way I envisioned my life, and the life I’m living now are completely different. Not bad by any means, just different. The way in which I got to where God has led me up until this point has been such a journey and has required me to persevere in so many different ways. I am so thankful for the way Christ has shown me that it’s not my will, but his be done. I'm beyond grateful for the life God has given me. I'm blessed with a God fearing man, a beautiful marriage that teaches me so much about who I am, wonderful students that I get to love each day and who make me laugh histarically, and a family who I'm beyond grateful for.

No matter how much the Lord has given me, each new season, I find my expectations to get in the way. The fact that I am a sinner, I have to constantly remind myself that my life is not for my will to be done, but for the Lords. I wonder if you can relate to me?

Currently, my husband and I are in the process of looking for our first house. Talk about having to control my expectations. At the end of the day, I continue hearing these words of God:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11

Being in the will of God is not easy, but it sure is freeing. Someone asked me the other day, “How do we know if we are in the will of God?” If my life is off balance, I can tell that I am not relying on him, but rather foolishly thinking I can rely on myself. With Christ as my centerpost and my foundation, there is nothing that can separate me from His love.

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love." - Romans 8:38

Taking the focus off what I want and putting it in the light of what God wants is what allows me to steer away from my human expectations. Peace comes when expectations end.

Challenge What expectations do you currently have for your life?

How can you change these expectations to be christ centered?

Reflect on Romans 12:2

How can you transform your mind to discern the will of God instead the will of yourself?

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